Top Tips for Menstrual Cramp Relief

I started writing this blog to give tips for heavy periods and dealing with cramps and realized today is National Period Day.  It is a day to “elevating the issue of period poverty and demanding real change to making period products more accessible for all and ending the #TamponTax.” - PERIOD

Before I give you the top tips to end period cramps, let’s take a minute to dive into what this day is about.  Lets look at the fact that if you are reading this, you have the resources to help with your periods.  

Periods are something most of us deal with and have the luxury of being able to afford the supplies to help us out.  Well, actually not most of us.  Most women throughout the world cannot afford menstrual products or they have limited access to them.  There are so many amazing companies out there like PERIOD that is trying to change this.  Did you know that women’s products are priced higher than men’s?  Take a look at razors the next time you go to the store.  Why is a two pack of women’s razors more expensive than a two pack of men’s razors?  Then go to the feminine hygiene section. The prices of tampons and pads are increasing.  I switched to the cup a couple of years ago, but I still buy pantyliners and pads for light days.  I also use tampons when traveling or not sure I will have a clean place to rinse my cup. I realize that I am privileged that I even have the choice of what products I want.  Having supplies for your period is a human rite.  It should not be just a privilege. 

Alright, I will now share with you all the information I gathered over this last week while I was having a horrible period.  I reached out one day for suggestions for the cramps I was experiencing.  SO many women reached out with tips to help and a lot of the information was the same, so I wanted to compile it in one spot for you! I tried a few things and within two hours my cramps were gone.  I was so shocked and excited.  I could live my life again without fear of bleeding out (well, that was still a fear) or doubling over in pain.  

Tip One: Warmth

Heat therapy through hot baths, heating pads, and warm foods helps provide comfort and relax muscles and increase blood flow. The University of Cincinnati did a study on the effectiveness of heating pads with menstrual cramps. Pain was decreased by 50% with the use of a heating pad for two hours.

Tip Two: CBD

Taking CBD orally or using it topically can help a a lot. A friend reached out to me who has experienced horrible pain with periods. She told me putting a couple drops of CBD on a tampon before insertion has helped her tremendously. I did a little research and she is not the only one! Taking it orally also helps. CBD reduces inflammation in the body which also reduces production of inflammatory prostaglandins which cause cramps. Click here for my favorite CBD brand and use code elizabethjoy20 for 20% off!

Tip Three: Magnesium

Magnesium is also highly effective in relaxing the muscles.  Plus, it has many other benefits for your time of the month. It can help with period migraines and also boost your mood since it aids in serotonin production. Hop in a nice hot epsom salt bath or take one of these Wellness Shots that are loaded with magnesium and CBD.  They are the best of both worlds! 

Tip Four: Essential Oils

The most popular essential oils for cramps are clary sage, peppermint and lavender. Clary sage reduces uterus spasms helping relieve period cramps. Peppermint oil is used to treat pain and tension. It can be applied topically and works great with other oils. Using lavender oil through inhalation reduces cramps and bleeding.

The other top suggestions included wine, chocolate and weed! Upon receiving all of these suggestions. I took a wellness shot, rubbed clary sage and peppermint on and placed a heating pad on my abdomen. Within an hour, my cramps stopped. They were seriously some of the worst I have had and they stopped! That is why I wanted to share this with you. I really didn’t think it would all work and it did! I would love to hear what has worked for you or if you try any of the tips!